
Положительные тесты на беременность


Хочу заказать положительный тест на беременность

Способ доставки

Хотите бесплатную доставку?

Поскольку мы мы хотим услугу FakeMama удержать в тайности перед мужчинами, мы не можем ее рекламировать обычными средствами. Помоги нам и дай о FakeMama знать по крайней мере 3 своим подругам - ниже можешь указать адрес их электронной почты, на который мы им пошлем рекомендацию. Взамен от нас получишь доставку бесплатно.

Хочу доставку бесплатно

Способ оплаты

Пакет будет отправлен в дискретной упаковке

- +
Цена за 1 тест: 15

Отправляя заказ, вы соглашаетесь с условия ведения бизнеса.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Не покинет меня мой партнер, если над ним так прикольнусь?

Мы надеемся, что нет :) Если да, то по закону к Вам может вернуться до 14 дней.

Я не могу забеременеть, если у меня будет положительный тест на беременность?

Никакой тест не является 100%, всегда существует вероятность, что беременной можете не быть. Рекомендуем попробовать еще один наш тест для большей уверенности.

Кто несет ответственность за шантаж моего парня вашим тестом?

Нсчет этого Вам не стоит волноваться. Наша команда опытных адвокатов способна свалить всю вину только на вашего партнера. Эта услуга является бесплатной и 100% гарантирована, если будете по-настоящему этому верить :)

Я не могу что-то подхватить, когда на тест мочилась какая-то другая женщина?

К сожалению, нет 100% способы защиты профилактических осмотров переносчик, который доставляет его к вам, но содержание 100% стерильными.

Я хочу друга напугать, он не узнает, что я заказала тест?

Ну, он, безусловно, будет рад :-) Но не волнуйтесь, мы ему об этом не расскажем да и почтальон тоже нет, так как тест мы отправляем в немаркированном пузырьковом конверте.

Сколько времени займет доставка?

Хорошая новость в том, что 9 месяцев ждать не придется. Тесты отсылаем ежедневно, таким образом, прибудут к вам в течение 5-х рабочих дней.

Деловые условия

Эти условия регулируются действующим законодательством Чешской республики.

1. Introductory provisions

  1. 1.1.These business conditions (hereinafter referred to as “business conditions”) of the company Ideal Media s.r.o., registered office Vojtěšská 211/6, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech republic, Company Identification No.: 02475715, registered in the Companies Register kept by Městský soud v Praze, Section C, File 219821 (hereinafter referred to as the “seller”) regulate mutual rights and duties of the contracting parties established in connection with or based on a purchase agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “purchase agreement”) concluded between the seller and another natural person (hereinafter referred to as the “buyer”) via the seller´s e-shop, in accordance with Section 1751(1), the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”). The e-shop is operated by the seller on the website located at the internet address fakemama.net (hereinafter referred to as the “e-shop”) via the website interface.
  2. 1.2.Provisions divergent from business conditions may be agreed in a purchase agreement. Divergent provisions of a purchase agreement prevail over these business conditions.
  3. 1.3.Provisions of business conditions are an integral part of a purchase agreement. A purchase agreement and business condition are drawn up in the Czech language. A purchase agreement may be concluded only in the Czech language.
  4. 1.4.The seller may change or amend the text of business conditions. This provision does not affect rights and duties established during the effective period of the previous text of business conditions.

2. Conclusion of a purchase agreement

  1. 2.1.In these business conditions, goods mean pregnancy tests activated by the contact with chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
  2. 2.2.All presentations of goods located in the e-shop web interface are only of an informative nature and the seller is not obliged to enter into a purchase agreement concerning these goods. At the seller´s discretion, similar goods may be delivered to the buyer depending on the current market availability. Section 1732(2) of the Civil Code shall not be applied.
  3. 2.3.The e-shop web interface contains information about goods including prices of particular goods and costs for the return of goods in case that goods may not be returned in a usual postal way. Prices of goods include VAT and all related fees. Prices of goods remain valid for the period for which they are displayed in the e-shop web interface. This provision does not limit the seller´s possibility to enter into a purchase agreement under individually agreed conditions.
  4. 2.4.Information about costs related to the packaging and delivery of goods, mentioned in the e-shop web interface, are valid only in cases that goods are delivered within the territory of the Czech Republic.
  5. 2.5.To order goods, the buyer shall fill in an order form in the e-shop web interface.
  6. 2.6.The contractual relation between the seller and the buyer is established by delivering an order acceptance, sent by the seller to the buyer via electronic mail to the buyer´s electronic address.
  7. 2.7.The buyer agrees with the usage of remote communication means when entering into a purchase agreement.

3. Price of goods and payment terms

  1. 3.1.The buyer may pay the seller the price of goods and possible other costs related to the delivery of goods according to a purchase agreement in the following ways:
    - Cash on delivery in a place defined by the buyer in an order;
    - By a credit transfer to the seller´s bank account No. IBAN: CZ7920100000002800524952 BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX, kept by the company Fio banka a.s. (hereinafter referred to as the “seller´s bank account”);
  2. 3.2.If not stated expressly otherwise, a purchase price means also costs related to the delivery of goods.
  3. 3.3.In case of a cash payment or cash on delivery payment the purchase price is due when taking the goods over. In case of a credit transfer the purchase price is due within 7 days after entering into a purchase agreement.
  4. 3.4.In case of a credit transfer the buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price and state also a variable symbol of the payment. In case of a credit transfer the buyer´s obligation to pay the purchase price is met at the moment of crediting the seller´s bank account with the appropriate amount.
  5. 3.5.Possible discounts from the price of goods, provided by the seller to the buyer, may not be combined.
  6. 3.6.The seller shall issue a tax document – invoice – concerning payments made based on a purchase agreement. The seller Ideal Media s.r.o. is a VAT payer. The seller shall issue a tax document – invoice – after the buyer pays the price of goods, and shall send it in an electronic form to the buyer´s electronic address.

4. Withdrawal from a purchase agreement

  1. 4.1.If it is not a case mentioned in Section 1827 of the Civil Code, when it is not possible to withdraw from a purchase agreement, the buyer is entitled to withdraw from a purchase agreement within fourteen (14) days after taking the goods over, in accordance with Section 1829(1) of the Civil Code, whereas in case that the subject of a purchase agreement is several types of goods or delivery of several parts, this period begins after the takeover of the last delivery of goods. The withdrawal from a purchase agreement shall be sent to the seller within the period mentioned in the previous sentence. The buyer may send the withdrawal from a purchase agreement also the seller´s business premises.
  2. 4.2.In case of the withdrawal from a purchase agreement according to article 4.1, the purchase agreement is cancelled in its entirety. The goods shall be returned to the seller within fourteen (14) days after the withdrawal. If the buyer withdraws from a purchase agreement, it bears costs related to the return of goods to the seller also in case that goods may not be returned in a usual postal way due to their nature.
  3. 4.3.In case of the withdrawal from a purchase agreement according to article 4.2 of business conditions, the seller shall refund the pecuniary means received from the buyer within fourteen (14) days after the buyer´s withdrawal from a purchase agreement, in the same way in which the seller received them from the buyer. The seller is also entitled to refund the charge provided by the buyer already when the buyer returns the goods or in another way if the buyer agrees with it and if no other costs incur to the buyer. If the buyer withdraws from a purchase agreement, the seller is not obliged to refund the accepted pecuniary means to the buyer before the buyer returns the goods or proves that the goods have been already sent to the seller.
  4. 4.4.The seller is entitled to set off unilaterally the claim on compensation of damage of goods against the buyer´s claim on refund of a purchase price.
  5. 4.5.In case that the buyer is entitled to withdraw from a purchase agreement in accordance with Section 1829(1) of the Civil Code, the seller is also entitled to withdraw from a purchase agreement anytime till the takeover of goods by the buyer.

5. Transport and delivery of goods

  1. 5.1.If the seller is obliged to deliver goods to a place defined by the buyer in an order, according to a purchase agreement, the buyer is obliged to take the goods over when they are being delivered.
  2. 5.2.In case it is necessary to deliver goods repeatedly or in another way than stated in an order by reasons on the buyer´s side, the buyer is obliged to pay costs related to the repeated delivery of goods, respectively costs related to another way of delivery.
  3. 5.3.When taking the goods over from a forwarder, the buyer is obliged to check the integrity of packaging and in case of any defects to announce it immediately to the forwarder. In case the packaging is disturbed, which shows evidence of unauthorized intrusion into the consignment, the buyer is not obliged to take the consignment over from the forwarder.

6. Rights from defective performance

  1. 6.1.Rights and duties of the contracting parties concerning rights from defective performance are regulated by the appropriate applicable legislation (mainly by provisions of the Civil Code and the Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, subsequently amended).
  2. 6.2.The seller is responsible to the buyer that the goods do not have any defects when being taken over.
  3. 6.3. If any defect shows itself within six months after the takeover, it is deemed that the goods were defective already when being taken over. The buyer is entitled to apply a right from defect which incurs on consumer goods within twenty-four months after the takeover.
  4. 6.4.The buyer shall apply rights from defective performance at the seller in its premises, eventually in the registered office or in business premises.

7. Other rights and duties of contracting parties

  1. 7.1.The buyer acquires the ownership of goods by paying the entire purchase price of goods.
  2. 7.2.In relation to the buyer, the seller is not bound by any codes of conduct in terms of Section 1826(1e) of the Civil Code.
  3. 7.3.The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, registered office: Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, IN: 000 20 869, website: http://www.coi.cz, is appropriate for the extrajudicial settlement of consumer disputes arising from a purchase agreement.
  4. 7.4.The seller is entitled to sell goods based on a trade licence. The appropriate trade office executes trade checks in terms of its operation. The Office for Personal Data Protection supervises the protection of personal data. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority supervises also the observation of the Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, subsequently amended, within the limited scope.
  5. 7.5.Herewith the buyer takes the risk of a change of circumstances in terms of Section 1765(2) of the Civil Code.

8. Personal data protection

  1. 8.1.The personal data protection of the buyer who is a natural person is provided by the Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on Protection of Personal Data, subsequently amended.
  2. 8.2.The buyer agrees with processing of the following personal data: name and surname, address, identification number, tax identification number, electronic address and phone number (hereinafter referred to as “personal data”).
  3. 8.3.The buyer agrees with processing of personal data by the seller for purposes of the realization of rights and duties arising from a purchase agreement. If the buyer does not take a different option, it agrees with processing of personal data by the seller also for purposes of sending information and business messages to the buyer. The consent with processing of personal data within the entire extent according to this article is not a condition which would disable the conclusion of a purchase agreement.
  4. 8.4.The buyer acknowledges to be obliged to mention its personal data correctly and accurately and to inform the seller immediately about any change of its personal data.
  5. 8.5.The seller may entrust the third party as a processer with processing of the buyer´s personal data. Except for persons transporting goods, the personal data shall not be provided by the seller to the third party without the buyer´s prior consent.
  6. 8.6.Personal data shall be processed for an indefinite period. Personal data shall be processed in an electronic form and automated way or in a printed form and unautomated way.
  7. 8.7.The buyer confirms that the provided data is accurate and that it was instructed on the fact that it is voluntary providing or personal data.
  8. 8.8.If the buyer asks for information about processing of its personal data, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with such information. The seller has a right to ask adequate remuneration not exceeding the costs necessary for providing of information for providing of information according to the previous sentence.

9. Sending of business messages and saving of cookies

  1. 9.1.The buyer agrees with sending of information related to goods, services or to the seller´s company to the buyer´s electronic address and agrees also with sending of business messages by the seller to the buyer´s electronic address.
  2. 9.2.The buyer agrees with saving of so-called cookies in its computer. In case it is possible to buy goods on the website and meet the seller´s obligations arising from a purchase agreement without saving of so-called cookies in the buyer´s computer, the buyer may cancel its consent according to the previous sentence anytime.

10. Delivery

  1. 10.1.Deliveries may be made to the buyer´s electronic address.

11. Final provisions

  1. 11.1.If the relation established by a purchase agreement contains an international (foreign) element, the contracting parties agree that the relation is governed by the Czech law. This does not affect consumer rights arising from the applicable legislation.
  2. 11.2.If any provision of business conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, it shall be replaced by a provision which meaning corresponds most closely to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
  3. 11.3.A purchase agreement including business conditions is filed by the seller in an electronic form and is not available.

In Prague, on 1 February 2016


FakeMama Ideal Media s.r.o.
Vojtěšská 211/6
Praha 1, 110 00, Česká republika

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